GPU Programming

Nick Johnson

Kevin Stratford



Part of this course is based upon the ARCHER GPU course as developed by EPCC.
I have added some material and an exercise on building a CG solver as part of the ExaLAT project.
ExaLat is funded by UKRI under grants: EP/V001329/1, EP/V001191/1, EP/V001477/1, EP/V001248/1, EP/V001140/1

ExaLAT Logo

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Timetable Day One

10:00 Introduction
10:20 GPU Concepts/Architectures
11:00 Break
11:20 CUDA Programming
12:00 A first CUDA exercise
12:30 Lunch

13:30 Exercise contiued (or a longer lunch break if you need it)
14:00 CUDA Optimisations
14:20 Optimisation Exercise
15:00 Break
15:20 More on Memory
16:00 Exercises
17:00 Close

Timetable Day Two

10:00 Recap & Warmup
10:10 ExaLAT: exercise introduction and discussion
10:30 Exercise time
11:00 Break
11:20 ExaLAT2: multi-GPU methods
11:40 Exercise continuation / multi-GPU exercise
12:30 Lunch

13:30 Continue exercises (single/multi-GPU)
14:00 OpenCL and OpenACC Directives
15:00 Break
15:15 OpenCL and / or Directives Exercises
16:00 Close


You will need an ssh client

$ ssh -l ACCOUNT-NAME [-X|-Y]

You need a copy of the exercises:

$ git clone


$ module load nvidia/cuda-10.2
$ cd exlat-gpu-course/exercises/...

Edit the file (method of your choice):

$ sbatch